Fighting the “Acceptable” Addiction
An Addiction We Can Control
Fox News posted this worthy article.
I’ve highlighted only certain elements.
Read the full article Lower Child Risk of Heart Disease
NEW RESEARCH from Cleveland Clinic Children’s found that in four weeks, obese children eating a low-fat, plant-based vegan diet lowered their risk of heart disease MORE THAN those who ate a traditional heart-healthy diet.
THE FOUR-WEEK STUDY, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, followed 28 obese children between the ages of 9 and 18. All had high cholesterol. Children, and one parent of each child, were assigned either a plant-based vegan diet or the heart-healthy diet, as recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA).
PARTICIPANTS on the plant-based diet consumed plants and whole grains, with limited avocado and nuts, no added fat, and no animal products. These children experienced significant markers in nine measures:
- systolic blood pressure
- weight
- mid-arm circumference
- total cholesterol
- low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
- insulin
- myeloperoxidase ( common marker of heart disease)
- high-sensitivity C-reactive protein ( common marker of heart disease)
THE AHA diet followers consumed fruits, vegetables, whole grains and non-whole grains, limited sodium, low-fat dairy, selected plant oils, and lean meat and fish in moderation. Children in this group experienced significant improvements in four measures: weight, waist circumference, mid-arm circumference and myeloperoxidase.
“CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE begins in childhood. If we can see such significant improvements in a short four-week study, imagine the potential for improving long-term health into adulthood if a whole population of children began to eat these diets regularly.” -Dr. Michael Macknin, author and staff pediatrician at Cleveland Clinic . . .
Read the unabridged article on this link Fox News Article
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Bought with a price.
We are not our own.
Living stones called to a divine purpose
Our temples our precious to Him
“O Spirit of the Living God,
You have equipped me according to Your great plan
Help me to honor You, spirit, soul and body.”