What it Really Means to Rejoice in Hope

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“Rejoicing in Hope…” Romans 12:12
Rejoice: “Delight in God’s grace.” literally, to experience God’s grace (favor), be conscious (glad) for His grace. BibleHub
Hope: an expectation of what is sure or certain (as opposed to something that’s might be possible) BibleHub
Rejoicing is a CHOICE. You can freely choose to rejoice.
Or not.
Let’s have some fun expanding on the definition of Rejoice:
Be happy, pleased, glad, and delighted!
Be jubilant and rapturous!
Be delirious, thrilled, and jump for joy!
Be on cloud nine, walking on air, and be in 7th Heaven!
Glory, triumph, celebrate and be blissed out! (Wait, is “blissed out” even a thing? Cambridge Dictionary)
If all of God’s promises are “yes, and amen” in Christ… (That’s a certainty!)
And if God promises to never leave or forsake you… (There’s another certainty)
And if His grace is certainly sufficient at all times… (That’s more supernatural strength and power than you’ll ever need.)
Then why not deliriously jump for joy and celebrate with absolute certainty that the Eternal One is faithful to fulfill all that He has promised, yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
Bring out the party horns and streamers!
(Don’t wait for Christmas.)
TODAY, may every royal child of the Most High delight in God’s grace to hope with certainty in what He is up to at any given moment. I pray this in Jesus’s name!
If you choose this kind of attitude, you can expect some surprises. Because our God is just that GOOD. (Of this, I am certain.)
Sowing Seeds of Bravery to “Delight in God’s grace to hope with certainty “