The Amazing Synergy of Power and Faith

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God is always able. Able to do anything at any time.
Am I always able to believe?
Is my faith big enough to agree with His ability?
Cool facts:
- The word able in Greek is dýnamai, which is “to show ability (power)”; able (enabled by God), empowered.” Biblehub
- The word believe in Greek is pistis, which “is always a gift from God, and never something that can be produced by people. ‘God’s divine persuasion,’ and therefore distinct from human belief (confidence), yet involving it.” Biblehub
Did you catch that? Even our faith, as believers, is not our own. It’s provided by our Father God.
Let that sink in. Your faith is not something you work up. It comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit and increases as your intimacy with Christ grows. His faith working in and through you. Boom!

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Help my unbelief!
Remember the account of the father with the epileptic son and the evil spirits that constantly put the boy in physical danger? That father begs Jesus:
…But please, if you’re able to do something, anything—have compassion on us and help us!”
Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’? If you are able to believe, all things are possible to the believer.”
Mark 9:22-23 TPT emphasis added
All things are DUNAMIS to the PISTIS believer.
If ALL THINGS are dunamis-possible to the pistis-believer, what changeable situation in my life has gone on for so long that I’ve merely resigned to live with it?
What changeable situation in your life has gone on for so long that you’ve merely resigned to live with it?
For the believer who is driven by a God-persuaded faith (not self-generated confidence), Kingdom living is Holy-Spirit empowered.
From beginning to end, it all comes from Him. I merely have to come into a heart-mind-soul agreement with the Truth.
Ask Holy Spirit: Where am I getting my faith from today? From God? From myself? From something else?
Renounce. Realign. Receive. Restart. You’ve got this, friend, because He’s got you.
Sowing Seeds of Bravery to Embrace True Faith
I’m glad you wrote about this, Julie. I know in John 3:18-19, the father of the child stated to Christ, “I believe, help my unbelief!”
We absolutely know God is able to do anything if it is His will. You have taught me in this blog that we just need to keep asking the Holy Spirit to increase our faith. Then we ask – and – in advance start thanking Him for what He will do (however He decides to answer is ultimately the best).
I thought it was something in us individually that we needed to correct (like you stated, our confidence) to have more faith. I will be asking more boldly for increased faith. God gives us authority in His name to do things. I would love to have faith like Mario Murillo has to heal people (again if it it His will they be healed). I’ve always thought that depending on the maturity we’ve reached in Him, we may get to the point where He can enable us to do more advanced things. This still may be, but I want to come boldly to His throne and present my petitions to grow His kingdom and overcome strongholds and especially rebuke the evil one here on earth!
Anyway, thank you for sharing your insights so we can reflect and grow more spiritually!
Thanks Vicki for dropping by. Yes, believing is so necessary to our relationship with our all-powerful God.