Conquering Feelings of Lack and Fear!

Recently, I was reflecting on God’s Goodness and Mercy. So follow the path while I lay a foundation, and if the end result hits you as strongly as it does me, then it will be well worth the time to read and not skim. Your choice!
Take note of who is doing what here. (It’s helpful to SPEAK these phrases aloud while stressing the italicized word):
- God leads…
- He restores…
- He guides…
- He comforts
- He prepares…
- He anoints…
- He fills…
God does it all! We have no power to accomplish any of this, not for ourselves or for those we love.

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Now let’s put it in context, but remember who is doing what.
(Read this out loud as a declaration from your heart, with emphasis.):
- He leads me besides still waters (Oh, we will return to this one with an eyeopener!)
- He restores my soul.
- He guides me on paths of righteousness.
- He is with me in the valley of the shadow of death (because He’s still leading, right?)
- He comforts me with His Shepherd’s rod and staff
- He prepares the table before me while my enemy is forced to watch.
- He anoints my head with oil.
- He fills my cup to overflowing …with joy? Life? Peace? Whatever your cup needs at the moment.
He does all of this. Every bit!

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So what is my part?
My 2-part responsibility in partnering with Truth:
- Recognizing that I lack nothing—absolutely nothing! [If] the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (not lack).
- Choosing not to fear any evil—no matter how harsh the circumstance. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
Recognize the provision and choose by faith to give Him all fear and anxiety. This is all you’re responsible for (almost).
The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures….Click the link to read the psalm it its entirety.

Reflecting further…
He leads you beside still water. Not into it, not through it, but next to it. Think of a time when you’ve sat beside still water and what you saw while hovering over it.
The Lord leads us near enough to see our own reflections. While I’m safe in His presence, near these still waters, I can see my own face, my self, in the water’s reflection. Not a distorted, rippling reflection, but one still and clear. Once my Beloved helps me see through His truth, He can then heal my soul and bring me further into freedom. We have to participate in this — while recognizing that in Him we lack nothing, and then choosing not to fear.
Some might argue that “still waters” represent peace amid turmoil. And I would add that whenever our hearts operate from this place of peace—His Peace, His Shalom — we are able to see things more clearly and, hence, make wiser decisions. Fear and peace cannot coexist in my heart, just as dark and light have nothing in common. One or the other will rule over us.

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Ahh, and we wonder why Psalm 23 is one of the most often read and prayed scripture passages.
Feeling lacking and fearful? I guarantee that meditating on, and internalizing, this Psalm with a fresh understanding will cause all fear to melt.
Lord Jesus, help me to know You intimately as my Shepherd.