Pencils, Patriotism, and Prophetic Dreams
Pencil it in
Believers, are we using “pens” on the calendar? Meaning, are we planning activities and events as though they will and should happen?
Let’s lay aside the ink pen. Whichever method you use to manage your schedule, this is the season to pencil things in. It’s the season to stop assuming and stop presuming.
Why? Because you/we are needed for a higher purpose right now.
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(Soapbox moment; feel free to scroll past):
- Don’t underestimate what God is doing behind the scenes today. Jesus said to pray this way, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven.” Humans are part of that earth (Genesis 2:7). And, yes, the God of the universe, our Maker, is sovereign, but He wants us to partner with His heart, His plans, and to call His Kingdom agenda to life on Earth.
- *Note: IF what you see taking place today is not aligned with God’s Word, then know that it’s aligned with a different kingdom. We choose our kingdom-alignment through our beliefs, words, and actions — heart, soul, and strength.
- If the Lord of lords said “Pray this way…,” then why? Why are so many of His “followers” holing up and acting as if Christ’s death did not redeem us? Why do we act as if He did not give us His authority and power to continue what He accomplished on Earth through the cross (1John 3:8?)? What are we afraid of?
- For the sake of God’s purpose and plan for our nation, and to the glory of Christ, let’s get on our faces and rise up as the fearless, strong, empowered Bride that Jesus died for — and will return for. Stop trembling and begging God to “come soon and save us” from this dark season. Jesus already did rescue us! If we believe in Him and in the God who sent Him, we are already saved! That work is done. Finished! Now move forward in His victory!
Okay, I’m stepping off my soapbox now.
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Assignments (Prophetic)
(For those who believe in the power of prayer.)
Have you experienced the frustration of “What, besides voting, can I do to make a difference during this tumultuous time in America?” Have you been asking God for an assignment? You’re not alone.
Even though I’ve been strongly interceding for this nation for a few months now, I’ve felt this same restlessness inside of me. Then one night (October?), I received a prophetic dream from God:
[In the dream] It was nighttime, and I was laying in my bed. Though my room was dark, the lights were on in my living room. I heard this couple [newlyweds in real life] come home. The woman/bride, dressed as Esmerelda [she played this role in The Hunchback in real life] came to my bedroom door and peered in. I tried to speak, but my my tongue was stuck. She thought I was asleep and turned to go. Then I cried out, “I’m awake!” She came in and sat on the side of my bed to talk. She said, “It’s coming. We’re just waiting for our assignments.” Through the window next to my bed, I could hear the distant sounds of rioting, gunshots and shouting, etc. Then I woke up.
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It’s happening now…
I’m not new to prophetic dreams, and this was the 3rd or 4th night-vision I’ve had, regarding specific direction from the Lord on how to pray for the United States. These are clear, vivid, encounters between my spirit and the Heavenly realm. Very different from regular dreams. (God will speak to all of us through dreams if we are willing and available to the Holy Spirit.)
As soon as November 3rd, 2020 hit, these directional “assignments” began to pour out — specific God-agenda items for me to pray and decree. The week of the election, my prayer partner and I experienced a power surge during our time of intercession that escalated until it knocked out our phone connection and we had to reconnect the call to continue (she lives over 2 hours away). We were both in awe of what was taking place in the spiritual realm, and we knew without a doubt that our prayers were moving Heaven and Earth.
Photo by Pixabay
Royal Priesthood
You too are hungering to bring Heaven to Earth, I know you are! (unless you’re already living it)
Friend, free up your time; pencil in your activities on the calendar so that God can redirect your steps. For it is time for God’s kingly-priests to boldly and relentlessly seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, in purity and integrity. Your “unopened” assignments are awaiting you.
Are you plugged in to Heaven?
Are you actively seeking the Lord? Ask, and you’ll receive. Seek…. Knock….
Father in Heaven, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ that they would encounter You in new ways, and that their deeper communion with You will lead to the breakthroughs You desire to bring about. Give us all boldness to speak Your Word and to “pull down every stronghold” that is trying to stop Your destiny for America. We ask You, Lord of the Harvest, to thrust the workers in to the harvest fields. In Jesus’s name! Amen.
Sowing Seeds of Bravery to Follow God
Recommendation: This podcast worth your time and is for such a time as this:
Dutch Sheets – “This [E-lection] is Not Over” (understanding what’s actually happening in America and how you make a difference), and “God is Not Finished with [this President].”