Nothing Wasted
Is any moment in life ever really…
LEARNING TO COPE. I recently attended a 2-week long course related to coping with certain pressures of life. After the second day, I came home and complained:
“Lord I’m not gettin’ squat out of this course. It’s a waste of time.”
To which He replied, “What was that blog post you started yesterday?”
“Umm…Nothing Wasted.” Face palm. “Forgive my lack of integrity, Lord.”
CLEARLY, He gave me the topic because He was about to impart a Kingdom truth. I’ll share that divine appointment/experience, so keep reading…
Time: the one commodity we all hate to waste.
Sure, I’ve got a few hours to sit and twiddle my thumbs. Or did God time it all out and “arrange” for me to sit in a particular chair and strike up a conversation with the single mom next to me who needed the $20 grocery gift card in my purse more than I did?
Do you have any idea how many long hours I spent studying for the exam only to earn a ‘D’? Or might that be a testing of my faith and trust in God in the face of what appears to me as rotten circumstances? The God who already has my future worked out is more concerned about molding my character and faith in preparation for my destiny. Nothing wasted there.
Guilty. At least once, I’ve judged an event or activity as a waste of time and dismissed it without allowing God time to move and to “work all things for good” according to His higher purpose. Seriously, who do I think I am, rushing through life to fulfill my own agenda?
“But let patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
James 1:4
All of those minutes I consider a “waste of time” might be the exact minutes He’s using to not only mold my character but, even better, set up a divine appointment. (His idea of success overrules mine.) I’m done “missing” it!
In the end, everything we say and do counts.
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10
“But I (Jesus) say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” Matthew 12:36
“So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:11-13
After complaining to God about ‘not getting squat’ out of this expensive course (which we both knew was true), I asked Him, “Show me why I’m there and speak CLEARLY.” That morning, I shared with my group of 10 people how God had recently restored my hope and joy by having me realign my wayward thoughts of despair with His truth (This came at the tail end of a long journey through forgiveness, grief, & restoration.). That 5-minute realignment had accelerated my emotional healing and set me free INSTANTANEOUSLY—sutures of gold. During the break time that followed, one classmate chased me down in tears and said, “I’m not getting anything out of this course. But after you shared your healing story, I knew you are here for me. I now I know what I need to do.”
God whispered, “Did I speak clearly enough?”
I PRAYED for the woman**. Then I realized that taking that boring course wasn’t about me. Turns out God had sent me there to meet four people who’d been crying out to Him for real answers. I didn’t ask for that assignment. But in light of the eternal, the time and money spent was all worth it. NOTHING WAS WASTED, and I doubt I saw everything that God accomplished through me simply being available.
(Are you or someone you love crying out for help? link-> Freedom
Whether we acknowledge it or not, life on earth is centered around knowing Adonai more intimately than we did yesterday. Nothing in my life is too hard, too small, or too tarnished for God to use. So, even when it hurts like hell, I’m embracing the brokenness—because I know beyond a doubt that God is never the cause of my trouble, yet He’s always present in every mess, to heal and restore according to His standard for heart health.
Key word: His standard. (My un-divine standard in comparison is low and lacking)
Before you think about judging something as a waste of time and dismissing it, consider surrendering it and asking the Lord to make “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8
Seriously, who do we think we are, rushing through life to fulfill our own agendas?
Share your thoughts in the comment section.
The Adventures of the Embattled Spirit
**** Need emotional healing? Tired of methods that aren’t working?
Check out KAIROS. It’s a powerful short 48 hours that will change your life. (And I think it’s FREE)
This post did not lead me to a face palm. Instead, I dropped to my knees, face down in prayer. Thank you, Julie, for this wise encouragement not to take a moment for granted. God is at work in our lives. Always. But without surrender, I believe we’ll miss it.
That’s deep, Ann. I’m grateful this pushed you into the Father’s arms.
Thanks for dropping by. 🙂