Fulfilling Dreams
A customer review for J.A.’s new novella, Mirror, Mirror
“Humorous tale… Poignant message of how our life is mirrored through our actions and reflected in how we view ourselves versus others. Easy read, but lasting impression.” Amazon reviewer
Dreaming . . . dreaming . . .
As I reflect on the death, I marvel at its beauty. The heart behind it. And the future it set in motion.
In light of eternity, to sacrifice something is never a small gesture, otherwise it’s not a true sacrifice. To sacrifice time to help a stranded motorist change a tire. To sacrifice birthday money so a little girl in a 3rd world nation can drink fresh water. To sacrifice your own desires to help another live his dream.
What was the last real sacrifice you made to help out a fellow human, one in which you received zero reward? You gave, expecting nothing in return.
By sacrifice, I mean it had to hurt. An act or a gift that made you cringe over the loss while at the same time doing it cheerfully and without regret.
Seriously. What have you and I painfully surrendered for the sake of another? For the sake of the Kingdom. For the sake of righteousness. Matthew6:33
Painfully you poured out, and the emptying of yourself brought someone else happiness, safety, hope. Did opening the door for someone else mean slamming the door on your own desires?
If you boast about it or your name is plastered on the front page of a newspaper that is a reward, a payback. This kind of “sacrifice” doesn’t count; it’s meaningless. (military sacrifices are always worthy of great honor and recognition, but that’s a different post.)
I recall reading the above axiom in high school, and it has impacted my life since. Once I came to know Jesus, I’m sure the Spirit enhanced its meaning to a depth beyond my understanding.
I’m at a place in life where I’m beginning to dream again, or at least trying to. I once had a dream, but laid it aside to help others live their dreams. The wisdom I gleaned from the example set before me during that season was this: building your own kingdom never pays off. Never. There’s no sacrifice in it because you’re sacrificing people and things dear to other people in order to feed an insatiable appetite for recognition.
My plan: to follow the only worthy example I know—Jesus of Nazareth. While He was one with the Father (fully God), He did not see equality with God something to be grasped (fully man) Philippians2. Yet Divine Love saturated Jesus’s being to such a depth that He could not help but lay down everything in order to honor the One who sent Him.
He died
to make known
the Father’s radical LOVE
John 17:26
This is the Love that changes all lives. A Love never ending. A Love so great and fulfilling that it’s beyond our comprehension. And every ounce of human love, from the beginning of time, compiled and placed in a giant pot would fall fatally short in comparison.
To fulfill the Father’s dream of a reunited Royal Family—of reconciling all mankind to Himself and restoring all men to their rightful place as Royal children—demanded the bravest, most violent sacrifice conceivable. The exponential effects have not ceased. It’s the model Love that keeps on giving.
That exemplifies a life worth living. And the power of Christ’s resurrection frees me to live that life.
May the heart of my dream beat with the same intensity and passion of Jesus Christ, and may its fruit greatly honor the Father of radical love.
I’m in. Are you?
What’s your dream?
Share it in the comment section.
The Pondering of the Embattled Spirit
Are you an author? Check out this inspiring blog written by J.A. for the American Christian Fiction Writers.
The Holy Author: http://www.acfw.com/blog/the-holy-author/